Virtual Software Development Teams
For longer running software, web and app development roadmaps we can provide highly skilled Virtual Teams comprised of one or more team members with a full-time or part-time commitment to your projects.
Teams can mix NZ based staff and/or top-tier offshore staff to provide an unbeatable combination of value and quality.

Lower costs. The reduced risk of downtime on our part enables us to lower the costs to you. With virtual teams we also individualize hourly rates for each team member based on the cost structure that sits behind each person.
Deeper engagement. The existing benefits of a full service software development agency are extended to a deeper level of partner engagement between you and your Virtual Team.
Firewalled flexible resourcing. The planned human resourcing of our Virtual Team approach firewalls your team from other client needs within Applicable, whilst still allowing you to scale the team up or down over time.
Access to our unique IP. As with any engagement of our services, our Virtual Teams can draw on Applicable’s unique IP, including our low-code + AI driven code generator, to speed up software development.

Setting up and kicking off your Virtual Team works as follows.
- We work with you to determine appropriate team composition and stages of implementation
- We calculate individual team member costs and put forward a rate schedule*
- Between us we work out and document delineation of team leadership responsibilities
- If you are happy with the proposed team, responsibilities and rate schedule, we then kick-off the implementation plan
* For staff we already have, this will be their individualized hourly rates to you; for any positions that need recruiting it will be an indicative range, and each hire will be subject to your approval.
Billing and payments
From the commencement date we bill for all all logged productive hours. You can either pay mid-month and end of month in arrears on seven-day terms, or at the end of each month (with 20th of the following month terms) if a suitable bond is lodged to cover our credit risk.
Scaling up and down
Should project and/or delivery timeframe requirements change within the course of a project we allow you to scale your team up or down, with only the following limitations.
- Minimum of 30 days notice to scale down by < 25%
- Minimum of 60 days notice to scale down by > 25%
- Extent and / or timing of scale-up is subject to our ability to allocate or recruit people and your acceptance of their proposed rate.
Rate adjustments
Based on any changes in underlying costs, in particular staff pay increments, Applicable may, with 60 days notice, change rates applied to the Virtual Team. However, on your side you can scale down and/or cancel the team if you are every unhappy with these changes.
Either party can cancel the entire Virtual Team arrangement by giving 90 days notice in writing.

Setting up a virtual team, instead of utilizing our general agency approach, reverses the cost-delivery equation. Instead of having variable costs for a fixed delivery (project), you have fixed costs and variable delivery. Therefore the accountability on our side moves from cost to productivity.
A virtual team approach also often implies that more of the leadership of that team sits on your side, however the exact responsibilities in this area are negotiated individually for each contract based on your internal team and preferences.