Digital strategy pitfalls to avoid

Creating a digital strategy for your business is important. However, before you do, it might be helpful to be aware of some issues that may hinder your strategy. This way you can avoid some common pitfalls in your planning and implementation of a digital strategy.
avoid “trendy” buzz words
Everyone is talking about digital transformation right now. There are a lot of trendy buzz words being used around it, and in real life, they may have little or no meaning to you or your staff. The first thing you need to do to ensure your success is to know why are you embarking on this journey. The language you use in your digital strategy document should reflect your business and have meaning to you and your employees.
Unclear goals and budget
The first thing you need to do to ensure your success is to know why are you embarking on this journey. What are your goals and how exactly do you want your customer’s journey/experience to be changed. Understanding this from the beginning is essential in order to avoid unnecessary, costly, and time-consuming changes.
In every major change in a business it is important to set clear, measurable goals. If you don’t have a goal that you can easily measure the success of you won’t know if your strategy succeeded or failed. In conjunction with this it is important every time you begin a change in a business to have a budget in mind.
Employees not on board
The best strategy in the world can fail if your employees have not bought into your ideas and the reasons change was needed. Change management is critical in order to create a smooth transition when implementing your digital strategy. You may have created new systems that are digital and then your staff refuse to use them and don’t want to change the processes they were used to. It can be a good idea to get your employee’s input into the digital strategy planning phase. After all, they may know better than anyone what frustrations they may have with your current digital systems. If their voice is heard then they are far more likely to be engaged when new systems are being rolled out.
No clear measurement
You’ve created a digital strategy, you’ve implemented it and it’s all been running smoothly. Or has it? Have you got clear measurements in place to see what your ROI (return on investment) is? Knowing this will tell you what is working and what might need to be tweaked. Ways of doing this may be; customer feedback, analytics on your website, returning customers, higher profit margins, and lower costs.
Applicable are experienced in developing effective digital strategies for their clients. We can help you avoid these common pitfalls and enable your business to reach its digital potential. Find out more here.