There is never a dull moment in App Development! As an industry it is constantly evolving and apps are an ever increasing part of our everyday lives. So what can we expect to be happening in apps in 2020 and beyond!
In these unprecedented times software development may be the key to pivot your business to meet a new market.
A pivot is essentially a shift in business strategy to test a new approach regarding a business model. There are hundreds of business right now that are having to pivot suddenly in order to deal with the current crises.
It’s a truism that running a business is a learnt skillset, one that’s typically very different to those required by a business to deliver its products or services. Often people who are excellent at what they do, and build a business around that, hit points in their journey where they’re being held back by a need for coaching in the art of business itself.
Our client for this project, Advisory Works, has long been at the forefront of partnering with NZ businesses to coach them through these phases and beyond.
You’re thinking of putting together a digital strategy for your business. Before you do, its important to know what hasn’t worked for others in the past. This way you can avoid common pitfalls in your planning and implementation of a digital strategy.
Now that most of us conduct our lives on our smartphones, mobile app designers need to have good UX principles at the heart of their development. An app is only as good as its usability. So what trends in this area have we seen emerging in 2020?
Many New Zealanders share a passion for clean, green outdoor spaces and want to live in a country that is on the forefront of conserving the natural world. One of the most valuable assets we have in this endeavour is trees as they fix carbon out of the air, hold the soil to prevent run-off into waterways, create a habitat for living creatures, moderate temperature and add beauty.
There are many advantages to hiring a boutique app development company. At Applicable we believe that the word “boutique”encompasses the type of agency we are. There are many different types of agencies to choose from when you are starting a mobile app development project. From the lone wolf developer who may be very experienced and specialised in one technology type to the very large development agencies that may or may not be based in New Zealand and then there are boutique agencies like us. So is a boutique app development agency right for you and what are the benefits in choosing one?
Digital strategy is emerging to become crucial for any business to reach full potential and success both now and in the future. Companies must start to understand today what new technology is emerging.